Finance department is committed with the accomplishment of university’s ultimate goal, i.e., imparting quality higher education for socio-economic development of society. Finance section works directly under the control of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and deliverables of the section are as per the section 18 & Chapter 12 of “Maharashtra Public University Act 2016”.
The functional role & responsibilities are divided into 12 units as defined in chapter III and Appendix IV (A) of “The Maharashtra Universities Common Account code” complying with the Ordinances & Statutes of the University. The Finance And Accounts officer is assisted by 1 Dy, FAO, 3 Assistant Registrars, 6 Section Officers, 2 Steno/PA, 1 Assistant Programmer and 26 Sr./Jr. Clerks in addition and outsourced Internal auditors.
All financial transactions are regulated in the light of provisions made in the budget through proper approving hierarchy and after complying with required resolutions made in Hon. Purchase Committees, Finance & Accounts Committee, Management Council, Senate and its Sub-Committees established from time to time.
The Budget & Financial statements are prepared as per the recommendations of Sub-committee as framed in accordance with the Common Account Code, then after primary approval of authorities, these reports are kept before Finance & Accounts Committee (F&AC) for further suggestions & recommendation to keep before Management Council (MC) for further approval & recommendation to kept before Hon Senate for final approval. Considering changes as suggested by F&AC, MC & Senate, final approved Budget & Financial statements with Audit Report are circulated to office of the Hon. Chancellor & Governor, Hon Accountant General, Secretary of Department of Higher Education & Hon Members of Vidhan Sabha, Government of Maharashtra as per the provisions of Act. The latest copy of budget & audit report is made available on the website of the University.
The primary control of the audit of each of the transactions is rested in the hands of Section Officers of each unit, whereas, audit of specified major transactions like constructions bills, major events, salary bills, security, gardening, sanitation bills etc. are routed through specified internal audit wing headed by Assistant Registrar-Audit. In addition to this, University has continued the practice of appointing qualified Internal Auditor (outsourced) for concurrent and continuous audit of the university accounts, university has appointed Internal auditor for FY 2018-19 M/s Bandukwala & Bafna, Chartered Accountants, Jalgaon a renowned audit firm to carry out concurrent audit and periodic / vigilance review of all financial records. Reports of Internal Auditor are reviewed by the Statutory Auditors and the authorities of the university (Finance & Accounts Committee and Management Council) in their meetings from time to time.
As per the Maharashtra Public University Act 2016, Section 135 (2) for appointment of auditor to get audited its annual accounts every year, University appointed M/s A I Kothari & Associates, Jalgaon a renowned CA firm as statutory auditor for FY 2017-18 & 2018-19. The Audit of University Accounts is completed up to FY 2017-18 and the same is approved by University Authorities (the FAC/MC/Senate) as per the provisions of the Act.
As per the Maharashtra Public University Act 2016, Section 8 for control of State Government over Universities, Clause 8 empowers State Government to have test or full audit of affairs of university by Indian Audit & Accounts Department, office of the Accountant General. Our University accounts are audited up to FY 2008-09 by this office & hopeful to receive further plan of audit for next period.
Mr. S. R. Gohil, is working as the ‘Deputy Finance and Accounts Officer (Dy. FAO)’ from July 2012, having versatile work experience with corporate giants having turnover above Rs. 6000 crores for around 18 years (Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd for 16 years and Raymond Ltd for 2 years), handled many more assignments strategically in finance sector from corporate finance, Financial management, Management accounts etc. Worked with well-known big4 audit firms like KPMG, PWC, E&Y, Deloitte, etc. for various assignments during tenure of 18 years with corporate giants and after joining to university systems, got opportunity to work as ‘Finance and Accounts Officer’ as officiating for around 3 years in different intervals, in addition to responsibilities of Dy. FAO.
Use of computerization :-
We are using high-end computer software “ERP-SAP ECC6” for recording & reporting of all financial transactions since financial year 2009-10. This software is used specifically for FICO, MM, & HR modules to the extent possible.
Further, we are using “Online Payment Gateway” system of “Bill Desk” to collect fees & other receipts through online.
Organizational Chart of the Finance Department:-

Click here to view the FAO Office Staff
Budget F.Y. 2024-2025
Budget F.Y. 2023-2024
Budget F.Y. 2022-2023 and 2021-22 (Revised)
Budget F.Y. 2020-2021
Budget F.Y. 2019-2020
Budget F.Y. 2018-2019
Budget F.Y. 2017-2018
Budget F.Y. 2016-2017
Audit Report:
Audit Report F.Y. 2023-2024
Audit Report F.Y. 2022-2023
Audit Report F.Y. 2021-2022
Audit Report F.Y. 2020-2021
Audit Report F.Y. 2019-2020
Audit Report F.Y. 2018-2019
Audit Report F.Y. 2017-2018
Audit Report F.Y. 2016-2017
Audit Report F.Y. 2015-2016
Audit Report F.Y. 2014-2015
Audit Report F.Y. 2013-2014
Audit Report F.Y. 2012-2013
Audit Report F.Y. 2011-2012
Deelip Murlidhar Shinde - 22-07-1994 to 28-02-2014 – Finance and Accounts Officer
Dr. Rajkishor Harishchandra Gupta - 28-02-2014 to 31-12-2014 – Officiating FAO
Dr. Bharat Dagdoba Karhad - 31-12-2014 to 26-11-2018 – Finance and Accounts Officer
Shri. Bhagwantrao Bhaskarrao Patil - 26-11-2018 to 28-11-2018 – Officiating FAO
Shri. Somnath Ranchhoddas Gohil - 28-11-2018 to 06-11-2019 – Officiating FAO
Shri. Vivek Vasantrao Katdare - 06-11-2019 to 04-12-2020 – Officiating FAO
Shri. Somnath Ranchhoddas Gohil - 04-12-2020 to 03-08-2021 – Officiating FAO
Prof. Madhulika Ajay Sonawane – 03-08-2021 to 23-11-2021 – Officiating FAO
Shri. Somnath Ranchhoddas Gohil – 08-12-2021 to 08-08-2022– Officiating FAO
Shri. Ravindra Namdev Patil – 08-08-2022 to till date – Finance and Accounts Officer.
Click here to view The Maharashtra Universities Account Code
Contact Info :
In case of any clarification, please contact Finance Section on the following Telephone Numbers :
Actg. F. A O. - 0257-2257226, 2257227,2258408
F.A.O. Office- 0257-2257228, 2257229
D. F. O. - 0257-2257230
Section Officer - 0257-2257231
Office- 0257-2257232
A.F.O. ( O.S.D.) - 0257-2257233
Scholarship Unit- 0257-2257234
Section Officer - 0257-2257235
Salary Unit - 0257- 2257281
Section Officer (Purchase) - 0257-2257236
Purchase Office -0257- 2257237
Cashier - 0257-2257238
SAP Room - 0257-2257251
Asst. Programmer- 0257-2257252