
Director of Student's Development

Dr. Jayandre Lekurwale

View detailed profile
About Department

Students’ Development section is passionate about helping students to develop themselves in all spheres of life, for which it undertakes various student-oriented activities throughout the year. To uncover the hidden talents, section provides opportunities, platform, and conducive environment for students by implementing various student development centric schemes and executing curriculum as well as extracurricular activities.

Following activities are carried out for students
  •  By Providing financial assistance for economically backward students

  •  By Organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, series of lectures etc.

  •  By organizing various competitions like Youth Festival, Yuvati Sabha and competitions like Magazine Competitions, Quiz Competitions, Debate, and Elocution Competition etc.

Contact Info:
In case of any clarification, please contact Student Development on the following Telephone Numbers :

Offg. Director - 0257-2257418
Asst. Registrar - 0257-2257419

Important Links

Financial Support Schemes

University take care of economically backward students enrolled in the University Schools, Institutes and Affiliated Colleges of the University.

Activities for Students

Activities carries out to provide ample opportunities for the overall development of the students and indulge them in its activities apart from studies

Board of Students' Development

As per Provision of Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016; Sub section-55 (2) Board of Student's Development.

DSD Portal

The Student Development Department Of The University Works On The Holistic Development Of The Student Which Makes Them Survive In This Competitive World.

Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad

Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad is a non-political platform that inspires youth to actively participate in democratic processes and leadership.