All participants should prepare their poster/model based on their own work /innovation.
Participant will have to participate for District level Avishkar at their respective district centers. Student from different academic schools of KBC NMU and UICT will have to participate at KBC NMU campus level Avishkar.
Principals/Directors are requested to assign the work of collection and shortlist the entries at college level to the same teacher.
Last date for Online Registration is 11th October 2022.
Participant will have to submit hard copy of the registration form along with the fees Rs. 200/- per Participant (Cash) in the respective college on or before 11th October 2022.
Principals/ Directors are requested to send all registration forms along with abstracts and consolidated Cash of entry fee of all participants to the concerned District/Regional Avishkar coordinator on or before 13th October 2022
Entry Fee: Consolidated Cash for all entries from the college/university school should be submitted to the respective District/Campus Coordinator.
Each participant is allowed to participate in only one entry (either in Poster or Model).
Participant should keep the abstract ready in (Word format [.doc or .docx]) file before proceeding to online registration. Click here to download template for abstract.
Participant will have to submit hard copy of registration form at their respective college/institute.
Poster: Poster board / space of 1m x 1m and material for affixing the poster will be provided by the organizer. Participant has freedom for preparation of poster. It can be flex printed or hand drawn. Maximum two participants are allowed per poster for poster presentation. However, only one participant will be allowed to represent at state and national level.
Working Model / Static Model: Maximum two participants per Model Entry are allowed. However only one participant will be allowed to represent at state and national level. Electrical/water connections and 2m x 2m space will be provided for assembling the Model. Participants have to specify the requirements in the Entry Form which are essential for their model presentation.
Participant should not display/disclose their names and identity of the college/institute/university campus school on the poster/Model.
Certificate of participation will be awarded to all the participants
List of shortlisted poster/models will be announced on the university website.
Refreshment and lunch will be provided to all participants by the organizers.
Participants can participate in any one of the following theme areas:
Social Sciences Education, Fine Arts, Languages, Humanities etc.
Commerce, Management, Law etc.
Pure Sciences: Physics, Chemical, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Environment, Home and Computer Science
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Engineering & Technology
Medicine and Pharmacy
Levels of participation:
Students pursuing bachelor’s degree programme in the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon at its affiliated colleges/recognized institutes, University schools who are below the age of 25 are eligible to participate in any of the six disciplines under this category depending upon the area of his/her research work irrespective of the faculty/stream/subject in which he/she has enrolled for the degree or diploma in the participating university.
Any students who has completed his/her bachelor’s degree and pursuing post graduate studies in the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon at its affiliated colleges/recognized institutes, University Schools who is below the age of 30 is eligible to participate in any of the six disciplines under this category depending upon the area of his/her research work, irrespective work of the faculty/stream/subject in which he/she has enrolled for the post graduate degree/diploma in the participating university.
Any person having a post graduate degree/diploma and has registered for a diploma/degree such as M. Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Lit., etc. or is pursuing Post-Doctoral Research in the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon at its affiliated colleges/recognized institutes, University schools is eligible to participate in any of the six disciplines under this category depending upon the area of his/her research work, irrespective of the faculty/stream/subject in which he/she has enrolled without any stipulated age limit.