Events And Activities

Year: 2025

  1. Alumni Meet

  2. Friday club activity for students

  3. Open day activity conducted for the academic year 2023-24

Year: 2024

  1. Induction Program

  2. Alumni Meet

  3. National Science Day

  4. Friday club activity for students

  5. Industry-Student Interaction Meet-2024

  6. Open day activity conducted for the academic year 2023-24

Year: 2023

  1. Induction Program

  2. Parent Meet

  3. National Science Day

  4. Friday club activity for students

  5. Open day activity conducted for the academic year 2023-24

Year: 2022

  1. Induction Program

  2. Friday club activity for students

  3. Open day activity conducted for the academic year 2022-23

Year: 2020

  1. International Materials Science Conference – 2020

Year: 2019

  1. National Science Day Celebration - 2019

Year: 2018

  1. Teachers Day-2018” celebration of School of Physical Sciences was arranged on 05 September 2018.

  2. Open Day activity conducted for April/May 2018 examination for Semester II in academic year 2017-2018.

  3. National Science Day 2018” celebration program was arranged at Department of Physics on 28 February 2018.

Year: 2017

  1. Open Day activity conducted for Nov/Dec 2017 examination for Semester I in academic year 2017-2018.

  2. Teachers Day-2017” celebration of Department of Physics and Department of Electronics was arranged on 05 September 2017.

Year: 2016

  1. One Day National Workshop entitled “Materials Characterization Techniques” held during 08 January, 2016.

Year: 2015

  1. Advanced Seminar On “Luminescent Materials with some emphasis on LED Based Lighting” by, Prof. Natrajan Venkatraman (Scientist H+) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, on 21st August 2015.

  2. Hands on Training given to the participation of  “Faculty Improvement for Research in Science & Technology (FIRST-2015) on 20th June 2015”

Year: 2014

  1. Alumni Meet – 2014 organized by Department of Physics, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon dated 15th March 2014

  2. One Day National Workshop on “Advances in Materials Processing” organized on 8th March 2014 under UGC-SAP

  3. MILAAP an Alumni Meet – 2014 organized by Department of Electronics, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon dated 25th January 2014

Year: 2013

  1. Workshop on Programmable Logic Controllers organized during 25-26 Jan 2013. Experts for the workshop were – Ganesh Mahajan, Satishkumar B. Koli and   Ghodake Girish R, Pune.

  2. Guest lecture of Dr. K. S. Yadav (Northan India Engineering College, New Delhi) for M.Sc., M.Tech. and Research students on 29-30 April 2013

  3. Quiz Competition for MSc Students on the occasion of National Science Day - 2013.

  4. One-day Workshop on “Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Design & Application” at the Department of Physics on 15th March, 2013.

Year: 2012

  1. Workshop on Programmable Logic Controllers 2012

Year: 2011

  1. National Seminar on “Materials & Devices for Future Technology”, 07-03-2011.

  2. Science day celebration “Tecktronics” on 28 Feb 2011

Year: 2010

  1. Visit to laboratories for exploring research trends and career opportunities in Physics (Special program of KBCNMU for S.Y. B.Sc. & T.Y. B.Sc.  Physics Students), 23-02-2010.

  2. Science day celebration “Tecktronics” on 28 Feb 2010

Year: 2009

  1. One-day Alumni meet, 21-02-2009.

Year: 2008

  1. Visit to laboratories and career opportunities in Physics (Special programe of KBCNMU for S.Y. B.Sc. & T.Y. B.Sc. Physics Students). 6-02-2008.

  2. Study tour to ISRO, Ahmedabad, Wind Farm at Sakri, March, 2008.

  3. One day acquaintance program by IUAC, Delhi, 30-04-2008.

Year: 2007

  1. Study tour to Thermal Power Station at Deepnagar, February, 2007.

  2. National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Electronic Materials and Devices”, 27th March, 2007.

Year: 2006

  1. One-Day National Conference on “Recent Trends in Materials Science” 24-25 March, 2006.

Year: 2004

  1. International Conference on Optoelectronics Technology, ICOT-2004, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.

Year: 2001

  1. International Conference on Broad Band Optical Fiber Technology, BBOFCT – 2001, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, 2001.

Year: 2000

  1. National Workshop on WDM Technology, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, 2000.

Year: 1999

  1. National Workshop on Recent trends in Optical Communication Technology, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, 1999.

Beyond syllabus scholarly activities of the department

  1. Informal Counseling for competitive examinations.

  2. Seminar activity by M.Sc. II year students.

  3. Group Discussions.

  4. Workshops on hands-on training on sophisticated instruments available in the Department.

  5. Regular guest lectures from Scientists of national and international repute.

  6. Soft-skill and communicative English workshops.

  7. Participation in Avishkar Research Festival at University and State level as well as in participation in National and International Conferences/Workshops.

  8. Cultural week organized by the students.

  9. Science day celebration.

  10. Teacher’s day celebration.

  11. Ganesh Utsav celebration.

Extension Activities
  • Faculty members delivered lectures on basic sciences for popularization among students of Colleges in Jalgaon.

  • Faculty members are actively engaged in organizing committees of Avishkar at university level as well as at state level since 2007.

  • Students actively take parts in various Cultural activities organized within the department and around the campus.

  • Prof. Ashok M Mahajan, Registrar and Professor Department of electronics attended International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Economy (EESE 2013) held at Bangkok, Thailand during 1th -4th December 2013.

Research Students from Department of Electronics

  • Anil Gaikwad visited Tokushima University during 26th July 2015 to 9th August 2015 to attend Summer School 2015.

  • Anil Khairnar (Ph.D. student) received a Travel Grant from SERB DST for attending Symposium on Surface Coatings and Interfaces held at Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel Kohala Coast Hawaii, USA during 7-11th December 2014.

  • Anil Gaikwad (Ph.D. student) received a first prize in poster presentation in the 3rd Global Sustainable Biotech Congress 2014 (GSBC-2014) December 1-5, 2014 held at Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon India.

  • Mr. Ulhas S. Sonawane and Mr. Chetan K. Kasar attended 2nd International Symposium on Quantum,Nano and Micro-technologies-December 2013 held at Singapore.

  • Mr. Yogesh Mhaisagar and Mr. Anil Khairnar attended 'Summer School 2013' organized by Tokushima University Japan during 5th -11th August 2013.

  • Miss. Khushabu Agrawal has been awarded with DST INSPIRE fellowship.

  • Mr. Anil Gaikwad is selected to attend Ph.D. Teaching Program' to be held during 3rd -21st March 2014 organized by Inter University Accelerator Center, New Delhi.

Future Plan of School

  • Strengthen the research laboratories including the Central characterization facility laboratory by getting funds from various agencies.

  • Improve the teaching method by using latest teaching aids and by arranging video lectures for the students.

  • Fully computerize the School laboratory, which will include various audio, video facilities with internet connections. 

  • Setting up of large scale grid connected SPV plant.

  • Form a cell in the School for the guidance and counseling for the exams like NET/SET/GATE/JEST etc.

  • Extension to the present establishment to house major teaching and research facilities.

  • Involve University staff and students actively in social and community activities

  • Encourage multi-institutional research projects on leading themes Commercialization of existing research output.