कायदा / माहिती अधिकार विभाग

Separately, in the year 1996, the Law Section of the University has been set up. Since then, this section is actively handling various types of work relating to legal and other complex issues of the University. As of now, this section is not only dealing with court matters, but, in fact, delivering a number of legal services to various sections of the University. Now, this section is actually emerging as Legal Services Centre since many stakeholders are being benefited. Every activity of this section is carried under supervision and control of Dy. Registrar, (Law/R.T.I.). The nature of work of this section can be classified as under :


  • Court Cases :


    To handle legal matters from receipt till decision and its implementation. Matters are filed in various courts such as Hon’ble Supreme Court, High Court, Tribunal, National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi, State Consumer Forum, Session Courts, Taluka Courts, Labour Courts, Industrial Courts, Revenue Commissioner, etc. As such, the area of work is quite large. Affidavits are prepared. To attend courts. Matters are filed regarding Revenue, Land, LAQ, Arbitration, Affiliation, Approval, University administration, Seniority, Consumer, Examinations, Admissions, Caste validity, Eligibility, Finance, Teachers grievances etc. Also, Criminal Matters are handled.


  • Legal Opinion :


    As per requirements of different authorities and sections of the University, legal opinions are offered on the issues as referred.

    The Dy. Registrar (Law/R.T.I.) offers legal opinion after scrutiny in the matters.


  • Departmental Inquiries:


    To work as Presenting Officer in the Departmental Inquiries. Now, complete work of departmental inquiries has been dealt by this section. Charge sheets are drafted. Also, to opine in the departmental inquiries conducted by other sections. To enlist the documents to be filed before the Inquiry Officer. Witness are presented and examined and cross-examined, etc.


  • Rights to Information (RTI) Cell :


    • Applications :


      All the applications are received and processed by this centre. Information Officers are guided. Information is sent to applicants. Reports are sent to Government and other authorities.

    • First Appeals:


      Appeals are accepted and heard. To correspond with the concerned P. I. O. Conduct hearing and do other all related work.


    • Second Appeals :


      Whenever second appeals are filed before the State Information Commissioner, to defend the University, to draft replies etc.

  • Committees :


    Work of several committees is being assigned to this Section, and accordingly these committees are being handled by this section.


  • High level correspondence:


    To represent and correspond with Central Government, State Government, Governor Office, Apex Councils, Human Rights Commission, Disabilities Commission, Revenue Commission, Labor Commission, RTI Commission, Women Commission, Draft Vivid Proposals, etc.


  • Drafting of Rules:


    Drafting of all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, directions and other notifications is being done by this section. Necessary assent is being obtained by this section from various authorities as laid down in the Universities Act.


  • Complaints by Officers/Employees:


    To entertain various complaints and appeals as per orders of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor submitted by the employees.


  • Memorandum of Understanding and Agreements: To prepare and check various memoranda of understanding and agreements entered into by the University.


  • Police Machinery :


    All the activities and correspondence being made by this section involving Police Machinery for any incidence.


  • House Loan Proposals:


    All the proposals regarding house loan are being scrutinized of this section from legal point of view.


  • Various Bills


    Bills of various contractors are scrutinized to see the compliance of legal requirement.



  • Best Practices:


    • Economy in Expenditure:Every effort is being taken to curtail expenses wherever possible,and as such, an economy in expenditure is being observed.

    • Contempt are avoided

      This section takes utmost care that contempt of court is not committed by any Section of the University. For compliance of order of the Court, a frequent follow-up is being taken.

    • Follow-Up:

      A constant follow-up with the stake-holder is taken for speedy action.

    • Personal Attendance:

      A personal attendance in important issues is caused for effective working.

Manuals of R.T.I.

Brief information regarding Court Cases and R.T.I.