The Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (Formerly known as North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon) established on 15th August 1990 under the Maharashtra Universities Act, XXIX of 1989. The aim of the education is to prepare, mentor and nurture the future generations for sustainable development. Consequently, educational institutions and universities across the societies have been enforced to embrace the progressive conception of education philosophy, which focuses largely on experiment, experience and meaningful learning to the students. The NEP 2020 notes that, “higher education significantly contributes towards sustainable livelihoods and economic development of the nation and as India moves towards becoming a knowledge economy and society, more and more young Indians are likely to aspire for higher education.”
Visharad, The Skill Development Centre is an initiative of University to enhance the employability and self-employment skills of the students for better career advancement to face the global challenges and meet the standards of higher education. Visharad, The Skill Development Centre is an umbrella to develop abilities and specific skills, support the talent development of stakeholders of KBC North Maharashtra University. The students are offered with high degree of soft skill, professional, talent, ability, technical, and creativity enhancing competences which are relevant and necessary to succeed in Industry and Society.
The courses and short training programs are organized for Students, Teachers, staff, Research Guides, Parents, employers, Industry and Government employees and other stakeholders. Certificates will be provided to the participants after completion of the course or training successfully, some courses offered as per ordinance 181 and those diploma and certificate courses offering included with other training courses will be evaluated and credits will be transferred to the concern students only after evaluation and certification is completed. To maintain the standards the uniform procedure defined by university policies is declared and colleges offering the courses the list and details of course is provided the links to information of the courses other than student courses is also provided separately. For the professionals through blended method, the conventional teaching methodologies be supplemented with SMART techniques that shall enhance teaching proficiency of participants. Improvement in various core competencies of participants for working on administrative positions, committees, etc. along with teaching in colleges and Universities.