About Us

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind that could be scientific invention, literary and artistic work, and symbol, name, image, and design for which a set of exclusive rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets are recognized under the corresponding fields of IP law. Intellectual property creation and its protection are very important issues in recent days, especially for institutes involved in R & D activities. So far university has filled more than 50, which are at various stages such as filled, published, under examination and out of them 25 are granted.

The University has established Intellectual Property Right Cell (IPR Cell) on 15th January 2017 as per the guidelines received from Rashtriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), Govt. of Maharashtra vide letter dated 20/12/2016 to ensure protection of created intellectual property by the stakeholders of the university. The University has constituted a panel to support the activities of IPR Cell, which constitutes the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor as the ex-officio Chairman, one coordinator and internal / external expert members.