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About Department

Department of Adult & Continuing Education and Extension Services was established in the University on 5th Sept. 2000. According to Maharashtra University Act 2016 name of the department has been changed to Lifelong Learning & Extention. The Functional Role of the board is to co-ordinate the programs regarding adult education, value education and extension activities of the university. The Department performs activities, various aspect of literacy, improvement skill development programme, need based courses and community development at the grass-root level including extension/outreach, research activities. The conscious commitment and responsibility of the university towards solving socio-economic problems of community are highlighted through need based outreach programmes that are designed & implemented successfully by the department.

Quick Info

Prof. Dr. Ashutosh Patil

M.A., Ph.D. (Marathi), UGC (NET)
Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension Board,
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.

Useful Links for Student

Exam Time Table

University has taken an initiative of online collection payment gateway in collaboration with Central Bank Of India. This service has started for the convenience of the students and to minimize their time and efforts.

Exam Results

Our objective to enhance the quality of life of persons who are differently abled through peer support, access to information, Assistive Technology and Social awareness.


The School is committed to meet the career objectives of students and cater to the Human Resource needs of Organizations interested in conducting campus interviews for placements of Students.

