
Shivaji was a great hero and a king. He was the very embodiment of a born ruler of man as typified in our great epics. He was a real son of India, representing the true consciousness of the nation. Shivaji Maharaj was endowed with talents of the highest order and a clear vision, was the one who stood up to injustice. He had also inspiring and endearing personality which spontaneously commanded respect, loyalty and the highest sacrifices from his devoted soldiers and peasants.

Shivaji Maharaj was also the staunch promoter of secularism and roused the sleeping conscience of the nation. He was the ultimate man of the father of freedom movement in Maharashtra and source of inspiration to the Hindu throughout India. The School of Thought had established Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Chair and Research Centre in the University campus in 2010-2011.

  • To study and understand the Maratha sources of knowledge and writings.

  • To understand history of Maratha's as well as the Muslim rule.

  • To know the Persian sources of Maratha history.

  • To collect and publish the original source materials.

  • To explain the Hindu sources of Maratha history.

  • To find any historical relevance in the present digital format era.