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Dr. M. S. Pagare
Qualification:- M.A., Ph.D. (Marathi) UGC-(NET)
Senior Professor &,
Director:- School of Languages Studies and Research Center
Head:- Department of Marathi, (Incharge) Hindi, (Incharge) English
Folk Literature, Dalit Literature
Dr. Sunil Kulkarni
Qualification:- M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D. (Hindi), UGC-(SET)
Professor, (On Lien, Central Institute of Hindi, Agra)
Sant Sahitya, Comparative literature
Dr. Ashutosh Patil
Adhunik Marathi Kavita, Literary Periodicals, Marathi Women Writers
Dr. Soni Preeti Surendrakumar
Assistant Professor (On Contract)
Dr. Purshottam Patil
Krishna R. Sandashiv
Qualification:- M.A. (English)
Pratibha M. Galwade
Dr. Dipak M. Kharat
Qualification:- M.A., M. Phil., Ph.D. (Marathi)
Bharati T. Sonawane
Qualification:- M.A. (Marathi)
1. Assistant – Mr. Bharat Palodkar
2. Peon –Mr. Rajesh Bhoi