One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) |
- ONOS (e-journal/database subscription)
University Learning Management System (LMS) |
National Archives of India (NAI) Depository |
- Association of Indian Universities eLibrary
University funded Databases |
RUSA funded Databases (2017-18) |

E-Journals |
Licensed |
Open Access |
Chemical Society (37 Journals)
American Institute of Physics (18 Journals)
American Physical Society (10 Journals)
Economic and Political weekly
Annual Reviews (33 Journals)
Institute of Physics (46 Journals)
Cambridge University Press (224 Journals)
Emerald (LIS Collection)(29 Journals)
J-STOR (1401+ Journals)
Mathet:Searchble database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information of the mathematical science literature
Nature (1 Journals)
Oxford University Press (206 Journals)
Portland Press (8 Journals)
Project Euclid (30 Journals)
Project Muse (411+ Journals)
Royal society of chemistry (29 journals + 6 Databases)
Springer Link (1389 Journals)
Taylor and Francis (1365 Journals)
Web of science: Access to multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,700 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing (908 Journals)
() Bracket figure shows number of journals Subscribed from that particular database
Bioline International
BioMed Central (STM)
HighWire Press
Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
Indian Journals
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
PubMed Central
Journals Online / NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL))
List of available courses at NPTEL (Dec-2008)
IEEE journals under IEEE ASPP |
IEEE journals under IEEE ASPP Online access under INDEST Consortium can be availed by going to the IEEE XploreR digital library at
To Browse all online Journals under UGC Info net
Accessing e-Journals subscribed under e-Consortium by Inflibnet, Ahemadabad under UGC-INFONET.
It is important to understand how this system works.
Inflibnet in coordination with UGC, subscribes “x” number of journals from publishers (Pl. Note that, Inflibnet is not accessing all “n” number of journals a publisher might be publishing). It's a policy decision taken purely by Inflibnet and UGC.
The universities covered under UGC-INFONET are ranked as being covered under different phases (that logic is not known) of this scheme like Phase-I, Phase-II, Phase-III and so on… Accordingly, our university is covered under Phase-II. Access to full text of journals is granted to universities/institution, by Inflibnet according to the Phase status. Which means that even if the journal is subscribed by Inflibnet, it might not be accessible to us, due to our ranking. There is a theoretical possibility that from one publisher, few journals are accessible to us while others are not for our university, but some other university will have access to that journal.
So to find, which journals from the publisher are accessible to us? Please follow the below steps.
Click on link http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/econ/search.php
In the left bottom corner, you can search the available journals by putting the name of journal in first text box and select name of publisher in the second combo box (dropdown box), and press search button. if the specified journal is subscribed, it will be shown on next page, which also have the information that this journal is accessible to which type of universities i.e., phase-I, II or III.
If you don't know the name of the journal, and you want to find all the journals subscribed from the publisher, pl. click the link “List of e-journals Publisher-wise”, below the search box.
E-Books |
Licensed |
Open Access |
Directory of Open Access Books
American Libraries (>1,651,000 Books)
Google Books
Project Gutenberg (>33000 Books)
Universal Digital Lib. (Million Books Project)
Open Access Publishing in European
Biodiversity Heritage Library (>46,000 Items)
UC Press E-Books, 1982-2004 (>500 Public Access)
UN University Full-Text Publications
Children's Library (>2800)
Digital Library of India (One Million books)
Open access e-theses and distributions |
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
American Libraries (>1,651,000 Books)CalTech Electronic Theses and Dissertations
etd@IISc: IISc Repository of Theses
Open Courseware |
Other Databases |
Geography: ICSSR Journal of Abstracts and Reviews
Higher Education Abstracts
Indian Citation Index (Needs First Time Free Registration)
Molecular Biology Database Collection (2500 update)
Education Resources Inf. Center (ERIC)
Journal of Economic Abstracts
Political Science: ICSSR Journal of Abstracts and Reviews
ISID (Institute for Studies in Industrial Development)
World Banking Abstracts
Directories of Open Access e-journals |
Open Access Journals |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Selected Open Access Journals (ICAST)
http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/ (Search for List)
Open Access Institutional Repositories |
Harvesters |
OAIster (25 Million Articles, Books, etc.)
Social Science Research Network
e-Resources |
Important Links |
Citation Styles in Research |
Digital Libraries |
Encyclopedia |
Encyclopedia Britannica
Wikipedia in Hindi
Special Literature |
Databases/ Journal Gateways/ Portals |
Google Scholar